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Victress Literary is currently closed to general queries. Check back often for updates.

What we’re looking for…

We work with all genres of literary and commercial fiction and non-fiction but are especially interested certain genres.

Fiction genres we’re MOST interested in:

Fiction Genres we’re NOT the best fit for:

Non-fiction genres we’re MOST interested in:

Non-fiction genres were NOT the best fit for:

For more detailed information, visit Lizz’s Manuscript Wishlist or Alisha’s Manuscript Wishlist.

Submission Guidelines

Queries must be sent through our Query Manager. Any queries that do not follow these guidelines will not be considered.

Prepare the following items for your FICTION query:

~A query letter including what makes your book unique
~An Author bio
~A 1-2 page synopsis including genre and word count
~The first 50 pages

Prepare the following items for your NON-FICTION query:

~A full book proposal (download the free file below for help)

Please do not send complete manuscripts until requested.

Please only send one query at a time.

Please allow us 8-10 weeks to respond to submissions.